Monday, October 25, 2010


This blog is completely random. It is what ever is on my mind for the day. That could be any thing from family to news events to the unknown.  I judge no one on what they are or what they do as long as it does not harm others. I follow all kinds of people on Twitter. The main reason for this is to learn about the world.  I love to hear others views and let them prove to me why they think they are right.

So today is the Guard dog on the farm. He is on my mind because he was being playful today and feeling good. While I sat on the porch I watched him play with the kids and love up to them. He has one problem. He does not think he is a dog. He views him self one of the kids. He is not allowed in the house due to his size and his battles with skunks about once a month.

This is Handme. His job here is Life Stock Guardian and Child Guardian. He is good at his job. He will let nothing get thru to the kids nor the pigs. The chickens (which steal his food from time to time) are on their own. When we first got Handme he was a Goat Protector. He can round up Pigs with the greatest of ease. He will not let any one come past the bridge if the kids are out side except the utility meter reader and UPS. (The UPS man bribed him with milk bones so he is ok in his book.)

Handme is part Pyrenees and part something else. We think his dad was Pyrenees Chow mix. We got Handme when Wesley was 2 years old. Hubby's brother gave him to us. We asked Wesley what to name him he said Handme and it stuck. Of course he just wanted us to hand him the dog.  Handme patrols a wide area. Two neighbors benefit from him too. But he also expects Sunday Breakfast from one family. (They feed him Breakfast every Sunday.)

Handme does not like Armadillos, Skunks, Raccoons, Coyotes and Opossums . He runs everything off once. If they come back then it is fair game for him to destroy.  He has come back from battle bloody but most of the time it is not his blood. He has had an ear that was sliced up pretty bad but it was a coon that he fought.

Handme's favorite food is left overs from dinner. He normally gets a plate for of his own. He does not like dog food but will eat it if he has to.

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