Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fart Jail by Wesley a 6yo

This is my 6 year old sons concept. He is all boy and loves farts. They make him laugh. He uses the word Pootish when he has gas. "Mom, I am pootish today."

We were  talking about crime and over population in jails he decided how to fix this problem.  He has decided to make a fart jail. The prisoner has to be handcuffed so he can not take the mask off his face. He has the option of sitting or standing. (Yes we have to be humane here just a little bit) They put on a gas mask with a hose attached to it. In the other room behind a wall so the prisoner can not see the offender. A person who has eaten beans, curry, or any thing else that gives you really bad gas sits in a chair with a funnel in it. A fan pushes the fart thru the pipe and into the mask.

Depending on your crime and your reactions tells how long you will be locked up in this room. If you are on death row you are there 24/7.

This is his idea to stop crime. He said some people can have really bad gas and it can kill a person. This means you will be gassed to death if you kill someone.

I love the fact my 6 year old son uses his imagination and comes up with great ways to solve problems. I see him as the next president of the United States.

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