Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am Not SuperWoman

I am not superwoman, I am not a disease, I am not perfect, I am not alot of things. Lately I have had a hard time with people trying to put me in categories. I am not a category.

I go to a party and it is pointed out that there is special food and drinks for me to everyone there. "This drink has no sugar in it. It is for Amy to drink." Yes that has actually happened. They announce it to everyone.  Yes I am diabetic, have kidney damage, High blood pressure, Joint problems and a long list of other stuff. But that is not who I am. I deal with my limitations and go on.

I am not superwoman. I have my days where I cant function like everyone else. I wish I had people that understood that. My house is not spotless, I may opt to cook something easy for dinner, and I cant bend down and pick stuff up off the floor most days. I wish I had support on those days but some people close to me don't get that. They think I should be Mary Sunshine all the time and be Miss Susie Homemaker. No one here suffers for it. My kids are took care of, They have everything they need. They come first. My animals do not suffer. My husband doesn't suffer.

I am not perfect. Yes I make mistakes I am human like most people out there. (I said most because there is some people that cant be human I swear.)  If I make a mistake I will take care of it. Yes you can tell me but do not ride my butt over it and keep riding until I just want to tell you to shut up.

I have a weird sense of humor. I may offend some people. But you are an adult and you can get over it. I find that I get offended by some people I just let it roll off my back as long as it is not in front of my kids.

I do not care if you are 420 friendly. Thank you for asking me if you can smoke it. Thank you for not smoking it in front of my kids. As long as you take care of your family and do not steal to get it I do not care what you do with your free time.

I am a farmer, mother, wife, zoo keeper, teacher and a recipe writer. I have a brown thumb and can not grow any thing.  I play with my food and encourage my kids to do the same. I love to travel, eat out at different restaurants, explore small towns, go to thrift shops, spend time with my kids, spoil my kids and my Pom. I love to get in the kitchen and cook. I love to try new products and come up with different ways to use them.

I hope this gets you to thinking about what you are. You are not a category or a disease.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fart Jail by Wesley a 6yo

This is my 6 year old sons concept. He is all boy and loves farts. They make him laugh. He uses the word Pootish when he has gas. "Mom, I am pootish today."

We were  talking about crime and over population in jails he decided how to fix this problem.  He has decided to make a fart jail. The prisoner has to be handcuffed so he can not take the mask off his face. He has the option of sitting or standing. (Yes we have to be humane here just a little bit) They put on a gas mask with a hose attached to it. In the other room behind a wall so the prisoner can not see the offender. A person who has eaten beans, curry, or any thing else that gives you really bad gas sits in a chair with a funnel in it. A fan pushes the fart thru the pipe and into the mask.

Depending on your crime and your reactions tells how long you will be locked up in this room. If you are on death row you are there 24/7.

This is his idea to stop crime. He said some people can have really bad gas and it can kill a person. This means you will be gassed to death if you kill someone.

I love the fact my 6 year old son uses his imagination and comes up with great ways to solve problems. I see him as the next president of the United States.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I dont need any ones permission!!

I was recently asked if I had my husbands permission to go some where with another man and his wife. I was shocked. Ex specially that it was asked by the man that was taking me to pick up my car. His wife doesn't let him out of her site. They go every where together. He cant even go fishing on the creek with out her. But If that works for them that is fine with me. Hubby and I have  trust. And the fact I think I would strangle him if I had to be around him 24/7.  Plus I cant weld so I could not work where he does. And he doesn't like taking care of the house or kids so he wouldn't stay here with me 24/7. That would be what we fought over.

#1. My husband trusts me.
#2 I am an adult that can make her own decisions.
#3 last time I checked I was free to do what I want as long as it was legal.
#4 I am not just gong to jump some man or woman because I have an opportunity to.

I am glad hubby and I have a trusting relationship. I am also glad that I don't have to have permission to go any where or do what I want.  I am also glad that I am a grown up that lives in the United States of America and have certain freedoms.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Cleaning Debate

I love my husband a whole lot but some times we disagree on alot of things. (Yes that is normal in marriage.) Today was one of those days.

It started like this. Hubby "You know that kitchen needs to be cleaned before yall go on vacation so we can process those pigs while you are gone."

Me "Yes It is on my list today. I am going to wipe every thing down and degrease as I go."

Hubby " Ok go to the store and get me a sponge mop and some scrub pads."

Me "OK."

I come back to find he has taken the stove out of the cabinet and flipped the cabinet up side down to clean under it. This starts the discussion on wiping down and degreasing.  I say my kitchen is clean if there is no food on the counter, floor and ceiling. I also said I would do it.

I think the obsessive, compulsive bug bit my hubby in his butt today. He pulled out counters and cleaned under them, behind them, and then the walls and ceilings too.

My kitchen is now in my living room. The cabinets are back in place. The ceiling is clean, and I am having to wash all he dishes that were in the cabinet (minding their own business and not hurting any one) because he got degreaser all over every thing. (we have to do this by hand as we have no dish washer.)

He gets on to me for grease in my kitchen in nooks and crannies. UUMM it is a kitchen and that happens. Plus I do not have a vent hood for my stove. Hubby built my cabinets so I have no where to put one just yet.

To top all of this off when I said something about making a mistake telling hubby I was cleaning the kitchen today I get some one tweeting  me Bible Verses. @Waylandcook words, they are to obey their husbands as they would obey the Lord, in everything (Ephesians 5:24).

By the end of the day I was ready to go off. I have cooled off a little now but now I am a few days behind and we leave for vacation in 9 days. I swear men do not think. He actually told me I had been slacking. UUMM There are only so many hours in a day and I can not spend them with a tooth brush in hand and cleaning under a stove. Just saying.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finding Fault While Not Sleeping

I was laying in bed awake last night with the wheels spinning in my head. I got to thinking about comments that I read from a twitter conversation. (Not a party but a weekly conversation get together.) This was from people who up til now I had respect for and read their weekly conversations. I normally don't participate because of family time so I go back and read them later. This week they were discussing Vegetarians and Vegans impact on their business of raising meat animals They were talking about the pushing of veganisim and vegetarianism on people ex specially the youth.

I find fault in this theory. I know several vegans and vegetarians thru the Internet. They have never ever once pushed their life style on me. They have web sites and conversation boards for you to learn from. Most of them have their own theories as to why they do not eat meat or use meat by products (eggs,cheese,milk).  They have never told me I should be one, or hold a gun to my head , or looked down on me for eating meat.

There is at least one big media, lobbying association that I know of that puts ads in magazines, on TV, the Internet , and get big celebrities to push their agenda. This is who is pushing Veganism to the masses and trying to pass laws that make it hard for farmers to sell meat. This association along with one other want farm animals to rank as pets and earn the same respect. Peta and the Humane Society. The Humane Society is the group this group slammed this year for over half their funds going to lobbying for laws against meat farming instead of saving the animals they say they do. Peta uses a large amount of their money on advertising. so I think maybe they should find fault where the problem lies. Instead of blaming people that choose for personal reasons not to eat meat.

Monday, October 25, 2010


This blog is completely random. It is what ever is on my mind for the day. That could be any thing from family to news events to the unknown.  I judge no one on what they are or what they do as long as it does not harm others. I follow all kinds of people on Twitter. The main reason for this is to learn about the world.  I love to hear others views and let them prove to me why they think they are right.

So today is the Guard dog on the farm. He is on my mind because he was being playful today and feeling good. While I sat on the porch I watched him play with the kids and love up to them. He has one problem. He does not think he is a dog. He views him self one of the kids. He is not allowed in the house due to his size and his battles with skunks about once a month.

This is Handme. His job here is Life Stock Guardian and Child Guardian. He is good at his job. He will let nothing get thru to the kids nor the pigs. The chickens (which steal his food from time to time) are on their own. When we first got Handme he was a Goat Protector. He can round up Pigs with the greatest of ease. He will not let any one come past the bridge if the kids are out side except the utility meter reader and UPS. (The UPS man bribed him with milk bones so he is ok in his book.)

Handme is part Pyrenees and part something else. We think his dad was Pyrenees Chow mix. We got Handme when Wesley was 2 years old. Hubby's brother gave him to us. We asked Wesley what to name him he said Handme and it stuck. Of course he just wanted us to hand him the dog.  Handme patrols a wide area. Two neighbors benefit from him too. But he also expects Sunday Breakfast from one family. (They feed him Breakfast every Sunday.)

Handme does not like Armadillos, Skunks, Raccoons, Coyotes and Opossums . He runs everything off once. If they come back then it is fair game for him to destroy.  He has come back from battle bloody but most of the time it is not his blood. He has had an ear that was sliced up pretty bad but it was a coon that he fought.

Handme's favorite food is left overs from dinner. He normally gets a plate for of his own. He does not like dog food but will eat it if he has to.